Here are instructions on how to play The Zoo Game
And here is a breakdown of Powers and Events
And here are the rules in text:


126 ZOO cards       15 P cards
15 EVENT cards    6 reference cards
This Rulesheet

Competing to create the greatest zoo, players build exhibits in seven colour- coded sets. Each set has strengths, weaknesses and a special Power. The four numbers on each exhibit are Cost in black, Beauty in pink, Ferocity in red and Rarity in purple. Events reward you for the quality of your zoo

When a player owns a minimum number of sets each containing a minimum number of exhibits, the acting player may finish their turn and then players tally the total Cost of each zoo. The one who reached the goal is awarded ten bonus points, and the highest score wins the game.

players   2   3   4   5   6
sets         7   4     2   2
exhibits  4   5   5   6   5

Lay five Zoo cards face-up in the middle: this is called the Market. Deal five Zoo cards and one P card to each player.

Play is turn-based, going clockwise. The turn has two phases: Act and Draw

Phase 1: ACT
Acting is optional. Perform any Actions in any order as many times as you like but you may play only one P card per turn. The four Actions are building exhibits, trading, purchasing P cards and playing P cards

Building Exhibits
Take an animal from the Market or your hand, place it face-up in front of you and pay its Cost in hand cards. If the Cost is 2, discard two hand cards. If the Cost is 5, discard five hand cards, etc

IMPORTANT: In order to build any exhibit you must first open its set (OPENING SETS)

Trade hand cards and P cards with other players. Both players must agree to the terms of trade. Exhibits in your zoo cannot be traded. You may ignore the hand limit when trading

Purchasing P Cards
Discard seven hand cards to buy a P card

Playing P Cards
To play a Power card nominate any set in your zoo, execute its power (POWERS) and place your Power card at the bottom of the P deck

To play a Penguin simply build it in your zoo at no cost as a member of any set (PENGUINS)

Phase 2: DRAW
Draw two cards from the Zoo deck up to the hand limit of seven

If you hold six cards you may draw only one. If you hold seven or more cards you must Act. You may not pass

Drawing signals the end of your turn

Replenish any gaps in the Market after the Draw and before the next player commences their turn

To open a set you must build two or more exhibits at once. They can come from your hand or the Market or both, so long as you can pay their combined Cost. Powers, Events and Penguins can also help. After opening a set you can add exhibits one by one. Example: build a Cobra (Cost 2) and an Iguana (Cost 1) together to open the Reptile set, then build a Crocodile (Cost 5) later

Every time you open a set, immediately draw an Event. Follow its instruction and place it face-up on the Event discard pile. After the Event you may continue having your turn

All the animals in a set must have the same coloured frame (excepting Penguins)

If a set is reduced to one exhibit you can still access its Power. If a set drops to zero exhibits you may open it again

You may open more sets than are required for the endgame quota

You may open only one each of the seven sets

Build six different exhibits in one set to make a full set. (There are a total of six different animals in each of the seven sets.)

Every time you make a full set, immediately take a P card and draw an Event in that order

Each full set in your zoo grants you a +1 Draw bonus. Example: if you have three full sets you may Draw five cards at the end of each turn instead of two

If a full set drops below six different exhibits you lose the Draw bonus. If the set is once again filled the Draw bonus is reinstated and you get another P card and draw another Event

Penguins can be built at no cost as members of any set

You may open a set by building a Penguin and any other animal

Penguins count toward the six different exhibits required for a full set

Penguins cannot be moved unless stolen during the Ferocious Zoo Bonus

Penguins are worth zero in the endgame Cost tally

When Penguins die they return to the bottom of the P deck

If a Penguin becomes the last remaining member of its set, it dies of loneliness

You may build two of the same exhibit (see Hawk and Koala above). The second animal does not add Beauty, Ferocity or Rarity to your zoo so its values are hidden

Pairs do not count as two different exhibits

Pairs count in the endgame Cost tally

You may build only one pair per set. (If this limit is exceeded discard exhibits down to a legal population as soon as the mistake is noticed.)

You may open sets with pairs

You may not build triple exhibits

When the Event deck expires, shuffle and reset

When the Zoo deck expires, flip the discard pile without shuffling

Players may inspect discard piles at any time but must not disturb their order